The zuppa di funghi toscana is a typical dish of our tradition, ideal to enjoy in the fall, the season in which fresh mushrooms, freshly picked, arrives in our tables with your flavor.
There are many variations of this recipe, depending on the place in which has been the picking mushrooms. The most famous are the Maremma mushroom soup and mushroom soup of Massa Marittima, although, due to its simplicity, there is no place in Tuscany in which the recipe is not prepared.
The secrets to prepare a Tuscan a mushroom soup
To prepare this popular first course you need to have in the kitchen a few simple ingredients:
- 600 g freshly picked mushrooms Tuscan and other varieties (giallarelli and ovuli in the tradition of Massa Marittima, finferli and pioppini in the tradition of the Maremma)
- 2 tablespoons lard
- 1 egg
- extra virgin olive oil
- parsley
- Onion
- Beef broth
- Parmesan or pecorino cheese
The preparation is very simple, but it takes several precautions in order to bring out the unique taste of mushroom just cool harvested.
Start with a simple recipe for fried onion like use in Maremma or adding also lard following. First add the stems of the mushrooms to the onion and in a second moment the chapels, cut roughly.
Wet with the stock (of chicken in the Maremma Recipe), adding it little by little to no more than 20 minutes.
Crisp about 10 slices of Tuscan bread: grounded you prefer frying it in olive oil, while in Maremma will sear. Dip in Parmesan or pecorino cheese.
The same dish flavored with Parmesan cheese, whisk two eggs to be added to the soup fire off. Mix well and put the soup over the bread slices for a few minutes and let it soften before serving.
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