Sagra del cinghiale is a blend of culinary excellence, pageants, sports and culture that makes it not only an event well anchored in tradition but one occasion of popularity for the village of Suvereto and throughout the Val di Cornia. Takes place throughout the country for over two weeks in November and December and has as protagonists the prized wild boar meat.
Every year thousands of visitors who are attracted by this festival, one of the oldest of Tuscany; it is celebrated since 1968 and has its roots in one of the oldest of human hunting practices. Among stalls, art shows, culture and shows this event fits in an enchanting setting that is to Suvereto, one of the 100 most beautiful villages in Italy.
What has allowed us to keep alive the Festival for over fifty years, was the commitment of the volunteers of Suvereto, generations of inhabitants had contributed to increase the notoriety. The Festival was born with the intention of bringing out food and wine varieties among the surrounding countries, enhancing Suvereto of wild boar dishes of local wines from the Val di Cornia.
Deserves to be looked at the Historical Court: this is a re-enactment with participants divided into nobles and commoners making plunge into Tuscan life of a bygone era.
Photo Credits [suvereto.net]