From afar the "V" of VERAROAD, is the signature of Vera, grandmother and painter: Vera is a name that recurs in the family. VERAROAD means to be true, authentic, as well as their hashtag #IAMVERA. And authentic are the materials, only natural, where possible organic, and authentic is the value of the proposed and locally produced product. The thinking is always aimed at awareness of purchases and respect for the environment,also using recycled material and upcycle.
Caterina,creator and founder, begins to imagine her brand in London,in Fulham: in Vera Road. An incredible synchronicity. It all starts with the idea of Catherine, of a Pratese father and an English mother: thinking outside the borders is part of the environment in which she grows up and, along with her happy memories, something new is born, linked to the English countryside she has frequented since she was a child during the summer holidays to visit her grandparents.
Caterina Giraldi comes from a long experience in the fashion world,and then decides to dedicate herself to her own brand, VERAROAD, with the support of Alex, her husband. Her valuable all-female team consists of: Sara, marketing director, Elizabeth, production director and Silvia. All the people in the business are added to the team with confidence.
VERAROAD is a clothing line that dresses all women,both by age and by physical conformation, also making tailored and custom clothes. The collection includes silk pyjamas (to be worn during the day, in the evening, at elegant parties), dresses, silk duets, shirts, jumpsuits with Liberty prints.
Its Anglo-Saxon part embodies the "bon ton" taste, country chic and tradition: this is the heritage of the family and a part of English chic society and country simplicity. The love for the gardens of grandma and the English countryside up to London, beautiful counties nestled between farms and verdant plains, colors and emotions reproduced in the most famous prints of the world of Liberty: all this characterizes the personality of VERAROAD
Every season the project evolves. Each design then translated into print, comes from a story to be told. And the summer 2020 collection presents tops, dresses and stoles with innovative and very exclusive prints, designed with great research and created by Caterina with the support of a young English artist, Posy Loveday.
"We are all connected to the Oceans..." it is for this reason that Veraroad has started a collaboration with Worldrise Onlus, which preserves and safeguards the marine environment, devolving some of the proceeds from the sales of the Kiss the Ocean line, to the organization of Mariasole Bianco.