Val Di Cecina is a fascinating territory which is divided into a bathing area in the West Coast and in a historical part characterized by the presence of ancient villages that make this part of Tuscany, the ideal place to be able to give leisure and cultural excursions.
Val di Cecina is traditionally linked to the settlement of Etruscan and Roman civilizations and ages who left parts of their culture throughout the territory, as evidenced by the presence of the entire structure of the country Volterra, one of the most appreciated historical jewels.
Now a place that meets the pleasure of relaxation through bathing establishments, this hot area offers also the possibility to enjoy the wonderful historic architecture in the hinterland. Val di Cecina, thanks to its nature on land and sea has become over the years a popular destination to be able to give everything more characteristic offers Tuscany.
Typical products
Among the typical products of Val Di Cecina we find the Volterran truffle, fine product that is harvested in the wooded areas of the territory. Its exports throughout the world, and the different use make it one of the main products of Tuscany.
The entire area is rich in handicrafts of salami and meat that can be tasted in many trattorias scattered throughout the area.
The municipalities that make up the Val di Cecina are: Castelnuovo di Val di Cecina, Montecatini Val di Cecina, Pomarnce, and Volterra.