In the lagoon of Orbetello, which covers about 27 square kilometers, fishing has always been an absolute star. The traditional and historical Activities in the area for thousands of years represents one of the primary sources of the economy.
The most widespread and typical species are the sea bass, sea bream, the eels, calcinelli, prawns and suckers so; the fishery is characterized by its sustainability: traditional methods that, despite having modernized over time, respecting the seasons and the tides.
The techniques used include the use of lavoriero (the barrage that take advantage of high tide) of trammel nets (mesh gillnets used mainly in summer) and martavelli (more selective nets to specific fish); also the same fish processing has rooted historical origins. For these reasons the traditional fishing Orbetello Lagoon is a Presidio Slow Food.
Photocredits: ipescatoriorbetello.it