In Tuscany, in addition to the famous leaning tower, you can also find the Guinigi Tower, the only Tower treed present in Italy.
This particular construction stone and red brick is located at Lucca and was built around the year 1390 by a family of wealthy bankers, Guinigi.
On its Summit, to more than forty meters high, is a rooftop garden that houses seven oak trees which give the building a unique appearance that resembles almost a head with a thick head of hair uncombed.
You cannot track the exact release date of the garden, but in the opera the Chronicles of Giovanni Sercambi of Lucca is an image depicting 1400 where you can see a tower with some trees on its top.
In addition to breathtaking views which can be admired from Guigini Tower, are also the two hundred and thirty steps needed to get to the small park suspended.