Scarpaccia viareggina is a typical recipe of the town Viareggio, salted half sweet and half salty. Its peculiarity lies in being the only sweet Scarpaccia Tuscan cake, there are many others but all salty. This poor cake looks like an omelet and has ancient origins and is made with Zucchini (hence also called vTorta dell’orto). Prepares only during May and June, in which nature gives the zucchini. These are not a vegetable that are frequently in pastries, but their taste so sweet they make Scarpaccia a new and unexpected dish. The total cooking time is one hour.
The Viareggio tradition wants that the grandmothers and aunts of a time to lead the Scarpaccia to cook at the bakery at the end of the day, when the oven was off and it was still hot to bake some cake. The curious name of this cake, Scarpaccia, perhaps derives from the shape of the cake, resembling an old shoe sole. Once out of the oven, you should cool the Scarpaccia to enjoy it with a good Wine from the local tradition.
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