Giostra del Saracino is an evocative commemoration showing the dynamics of tournaments that took place in the early Middle Ages, with tutorials men-at-arms on horseback. On 15 August of each year at the main square in Sarteanoin the province of Siena, is populated by people and game-man.
A document would trace origins even around 1583, when the tournament was celebrated along with other games. The golden years, or rather Golden centuries were the 17th and 18th. From 1664 were named two key figures of the tournament: two 'Deputati' drawn from the wealthy class and four 'Festaioli' of companions of Saint Rocco. The first dealt with judging and second organized the carousel.
In 1700 the carousel was running on behalf of the churches; but not only a document of 1719 that the carousel was flanked by another event called the "Comparsa", a parade of floats.
For centuries the spectacle of the tournament has been confirmed as a real tradition of the territory of the Valdichiana, with its five game-man who pounce to round to the swiveling of the Saracen armoured statue to tear with the auction the ring placed on the shield.
Everyone has a choice of five careers, whoever makes the largest number of centres.
Photo Credits [giostradelsaracino.it]