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Notte delle Fiaccole

Impressive Christmas party in Abbadia San Salvatore

Every 24 December, the town of Abbadia San Salvatore, magic lights up and goes back to live as every year its most important Festival. Christmas Eve in Abbadia San Salvatore is the Notte delle Fiaccole, an event rooted in the heart and in the DNA of all the country's inhabitants.

At 18.00 each year, from the lighting ceremony representing the start of the party with the blessing of fire. The great torch, built for the occasion in front of the Town Hall, blessed by fire is lit while all around the band plays Christmas carols. After lighting the flame will light the torch heads each with their flashlight all other torches built through the streets of downtown, creating a magnetic and suggestive atmosphere.

The community of Abbadia celebrating for a whole month the torchlight event with "Abbadia Città delle Fiaccole" during which follow each other in country, entertainment shows, markets and many initiatives that make Abbadia San Salvatore a real Christmas village.


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