The gorgeous Cathedral of Prato is preserved Cingolo relic (or sacred Girdle) of the Virgin Mary. A belt of very fine goat wool, decorated with precious gold thread and 87 cm long.
Accompanied by a fascinating history of theft and disputes with neighboring cities, it is said that the relic was stolen from Pistoia in 1312 on Commission of the Florentines, and that Lawn was able to truly appropriate them afterwards. The capital of Tuscany, in fact, given the attention that was having Lawn thanks to Sacro Cingolo, wanted to take possession.
Today countries like Cyprus, France, Spain and Syria claim to own the original of the relic, but Meadow is proud to preserve the history and memory than a religious symbol .
Housed inside a glass case of rock crystal in the chapel of the Duomo of Prato, is shown five times a year to all the faithful from the pulpit designed by Michelozzo and decorated by Donatello . TheExposition takes place at Easter and Christmas day, as well as on three occasions celebrating the Virgin Mary.