All the cuisine of the Val di Cornia is a mix of flavours accompanied by wines from the intense character. You can't go away from this earth without having first tasted the spinach. The spinach is a vegetable typical produced between Pisa and Livorno, is cultivated in these lands for more than fifty years and is one of the most popular vegetables in the Val di Cornia. The leaves are a bright green color; in some plants are prettily rugose, while others are smooth. Is a typical culture of the coldest months, with short production cycle in Val di Cornia has found fertile ground for growth.
There are three types of variety: variety Jolly, variety Gladiator and variety rhythm. Often, as is traditional Tuscan country consumption of this product on time, from Earth to table, giving the Greens a unique freshness. Once cooked, this is almost odorless and reaches a very soft consistency. However, the process follows industrial farms is washed and placed in cold storage.