The territory extends into the hills of Albegna and Fiora until the slopes of Monte Amiata.
The origins of Semproniano date back to the period of the Roman Republic when the family of the Tribune Tiberius Gracchus, escaped from Rome, he founded the first settlement here, Simpronianum Farmhouse. From 849 a.d., the village was under the Dominion of the Aldobrandeschi, who was responsible for the construction of the fortress and the walls. From 1410 until ' 500, the country was subdued in Siena and then experience a brief period of Spanish rule and enter finally definitively become part of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany. Among the buildings of the old town worthy of merit the Pieve dei Santi Vincenzo e Anastasio of the twelfth century and the 14th century Palazzo dell'ospedaletto that also housed the Knights Templar.
In the municipality is also the Oasi WWF Bosco Rocconi, within which it is possible to admire the spectacular canyons whose rocky walls are the kingdom of the Lanner falcon that lives and reproduces here. Here are also other species of birds of prey such as the peregrine falcon, the owl and barn owl, just to name a few.
Traditions and typical products
The Olivone of Semproniano seems to have about two thousand years when it was destroyed by arson in 1998. The fire burned almost completely except for the central part and some offshoots, but nature is stronger, has meant that the Olivone died recovering in his old form. From this was born the project for the development and recovery of the culture of the olive tree in the territory that led to a secular tree reproduction through cuttings or propagation. With olives "new olivoni" is a production of extra virgin olive oil bottled under the label of "Olivone di Semproniano".
Photo Credits [mapio.net]