Sansepolcro is positioned in the West of the Tiber Valley bordering Umbria and looks out over the mountains of the Alpe della Luna.
The town has experienced a very gradual development. Came to life in Roman times, when it was designed the plant remained unchanged over time. The town developed in the 10th century, but underwent a transformation during the Medici's control. Sansepolcro is positioned at the boundary of the Florentine State, which is why doctors decided to build a fortress still preserved.
All historical centre is full of buildings that House artworks, making the town an example of Tuscan character recognized by all. The Museo Civico of Sansepolcro keeps the Politticco della Misericordia and La Resurrezione, charming Renaissance works by Piero della Francesca. Along the inner streets until you reach the nearby places, you can find many churches with the works of Signorelli and Rosso Fiorentino.
The historical event that takes place every year is the Palio della Balestra, a reenactment in which forty Crossbowmen compete to conquer the pallium, a cloth of red wool. The event has ancient origins dating back to the 15th century and hosted Cosimo II de ' Medici in 1612.
The typical product of Sansepolcro is canaiola grapes, a light and sweet wine obtained from grapes of the Earth of Arezzo which can be tasted in all areas of the town.
Photo Credits [terredipiero.it]