RECINCARTANDO is a company specialized in the craftsmanship of the Charter, located in Loro Ciuffenna, Arezzo.
The owner, Rebecca has made his passion for books the engine of his adventure with Recincartando. Its main objective is to give a new life to the many forgotten books in boxes or discarded as well as numerous works unfairly abandoned.
Has come up with a real path to restore their lives, making the books again protagonists of their cultural mission. Recincartando recycling is a recycling virtuoso, capable of restoring the right value to print media.
This is how "book sculptures", intricate sculptures by folding meticulously their pages. Each sheet is folded individually in order to form three-dimensional shapes of all kinds. Its precise folds create unique shapes between the two covers of a book.
The achievements of Recincartando are the ideal gift and the perfect piece of furniture, the result of a careful craftsmanship.
Can a book to excite without being read? Yes. The artistry and craftsmanship serve as guides to masterpieces that you never get sick of watching. From a simple book is a unique piece of furniture.