The Prosciutto del Casentino has ancient origins of production. Originally produced by Grizzly and semibradi farms, including rustic dark coat pigs. There are historical texts documenting the export of precious hams in Germany and England since the 19th century.
According to the traditional recipe, the thighs of pigs, after having been chilled for at least 24 hours, are trimmed, massaged and savory. The salting operation involves a mixture of salt, garlic and other spices such as pepper, pepper, nutmeg and ground Juniper. Removed the salt after 5/7 days, we proceed with a second massaggiatura and an additional salting. Removed the excess salt after about two weeks, the ham is put to mature for 40/50 days, hung in contact with natural smoke. The seasoning doesn't lasts less than 12 months.
Slightly elongated, roundish and dish, Prosciutto del Casentino is bright red with a good percentage of fat. It has also become a Presidio Slow Food for its preciousness, to enjoy its intense flavor is recommended slicing by hand and eat it with bread and a glass of red wine.
Photocredits: foodscovery.it