In the middle ages Pratovecchio was part of the estates of the counts Guidi, to them we owe the fortification walls still visible in the circle of the old square. After the fall of the accounts the country came under the influence of Florence, to which he remained linked even in later centuries.
The history of the municipality has always been connected to the beauty of nature that surrounds it, is the seat of the Parco Nazionale delle Foreste Casentinesi. As for Pratovecchio, Stia village also in medieval times was under the control of the counts Guidi, domination of which trace the ancient Castello di Porciano (small fraction of Stia) nucleus of the country, whose history is intertwined then the town of giglio and of Medici.
Traditions and typische produkte
Half of the 800, in the village of Stia had a great development the manufacture of wool that made him the most important production centre. Here was born the famous Panno Casentino, woolen fabric produced in the old wool mill, whose characteristic is the typical "curl" obtained by treatment of ratinatura.
Among the appreciated typical products: the local honey, extracted from Botanicals which give it an unmistakable taste and aroma; try combined with tasty local cheeses such as pecorino "abbucciato aretino".
Photo Credits [wikipedia.it]