In the Casentino area, rich in traditions and local products of the highest quality, are produced the tortelli di patate. The potatoes used for the filling of this yummy dish range from white and powdery di Papiano to that of Faltona and Talla until the aforementioned rossa di Cetica.
Despite having a similar name to "cousins" earnest, Casentino tortelli are completely different: are distinguished by their size, are square and larger while the Emilian tortellini have the typical form bundle. Red potatoes are the main ingredient of Cetica (Slow Food), boiled, and combined with Parmesan cheese, salt and nutmeg.
To enjoy these pies, condiments ideals are those based on meat (boar or duck sauce or rabbit), truffle sauce, mushroom sauce, with butter and Sage or simply oil and Parmesan. In Corezzo in the province of Arezzo, there is a Variant that is cooked on the slab, better known as "Tortelli alla lastra", is prepared by kneading wheat flour on a pastry Board with water and salt. The pasta, handmade, is spread until a thin sheet on which is distributed the mixture of potatoes which will then be covered with other pasta. Stuffed squares are then put to bake on a stone surface that its particular roughness gives the tortello flavor and color.