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Pienza e i fiori

The village is full of colors and flowers

The famous Val d'Orcia Pienza, enchanted village in the province of Siena, houses Pienza and the flowers, the Festival that heralds the arrival of summer. A riot of flowers and a tangle of colors flooding the streets of the town of Pienza. Legend has it that this party was a rite for the year coming, for the fruits and gifts that nature would offer. Begins on May 1st and ending culminating in a floral blaze two weeks later. In the two final days, the streets and the gardens of Piazza Dante Alighieri, as well as Piazza Pio II and the Papal Palace, are filled with lovely blossoms, by climbing roses and many varieties of flowers.

This show sprouted many years ago thanks to a famous nurseryman, professor Sirio Ma who devoted much of his energy and his inventiveness to create, with the support of the Comune di Firenze, a trade show of flowers. Has now reached the popularity throughout Italy, by invoking him nurserymen from all over Tuscany and visitors from all over the world who are enchanted by this brilliant scenario. During the event, the ancient buildings of the village and the picturesque courtyards are open to be discovered by visitors.