The municipality of Piancastagnaio is a medieval village perched on a shelf overlooking the Valle del Paglia and Cassia, defended by a medieval wall and surrounded by dense vegetation of ferns and chestnut trees. The name derives from Plana Castagnaia toponym born for its position in a rich chestnut grove, the main source of livelihood for the local people of the past.
Contended at length among the powerful families of Siena and Orvieto, in 1440 came under the Dominion of Siena until the latter was overwhelmed by Florence in 500.Il's townscape is dominated by the Rocca Aldobrandesca who watches on the streets of the town, witnesses of the ancient medieval splendour. It's worth getting lost in the alleys with historians Gates decorated with coats of arms and admire its picturesque spots.
In the municipality of Piancastagnaio is also Siele mine, the first mercury mine of Italy to enter into business, closed in 1981. Today it is part of the project of the Parco Museo delle miniere dell’Amiata, to rediscover the working reality in the mine told by former miners.
Among the traditions of the country, the Palio of Piancastagnaio, medieval event born to delight the gentlemen with horse races between the districts of free towns. The event, which takes place every August 18 before sunset, contested by the 4 quarters of Piancastagnaio: Borgo, Castello, Coro and Voltaia. On the day of the event representatives of the contrade parade in medieval costumes along with dame, drummers and flag wavers. Each district chooses his own horse and jockeys the sleeping mountain, the contrada which comes first, wins the prize.
Typical products
Among the typical products of the territory the castagna del Monte Amiata IGP, unmistakable taste sweet and delicate.
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