Wholemeal flour of type 1 obtained from the grinding of 100% stone wheat Verna grown on the farm.
A grain with proven nutritional qualities for products that are not only good, but also help our health. The grain is harvested with the corporate combine. After careful selection it is sifted and transported to the mill where the traditional stone milling takes place.
The flour "Verna" is ideal for preparing biscuits and sourdough baked goods. Combined with the organic flour "Gentil Rosso" and the organic flour "Triticum Turanicum", it produces an ideal mix for baking.
The other flours can be purchased by contacting the manufacturer directly.
We will also find oleA Olive Extra virgin oil, produced exclusively from company olives with cold crushing. Available in 0.250 litre and 0.500 litre bottles or 3-litre cans. You can also contact the company directly for the purchase of oil or for simple information.
Estate Bellavista Insuese Agricultural Society
Mail: info@tenutabellavistainsuese.it
Tel: 39 3931457100