Mosaici Lastrucci is a company owned specialized in making mosaics, and is located at the premises of the Hospital of San Francesco de ' Macci in Florence, a few steps from the basilica of Santa Cross.
The company is led by master, father and son, Bruno and Iacopo Lastrucci and differs for keeping intact the ancient techniques, allowing them to enhance the natural color of each stone used.
The building which houses the laboratory Lastrucci, dating back to medieval times, has preserved for centuries the famous painting by Andrea del Sarto of the Madonna of the Harpies ", later become patrimony of the Uffizi. The laboratory is the casket of Bruno and James, whose meticulous art, create unique stone mosaics of Tuscan origin, often even fiorentina.
Bruno Lastrucci is considered one of the greatest artists of the mosaic, thanks to his accomplishments as a portrait of j. f. Lizzardo. Together with his son Iacopo represent a spearhead in the heritage of the Florentine mosaic.
Each material is intertwined with traditional methodologies to instill harmony in classical compositions. Mosaic works are handmade, the laboratory of master Bruno and Iacopo Lastrucci of via dei Macci, 9 in the center of Florence.
The masters Iacopo and Bruno Lastrucci perform the artisan work of the Florentine technical commesso fiorentino who provides the help of hot glues and natural colored stones, dating back to the Medici period. The Medici family was in fact a great promoter of this technique, which added to the classic mosaic of the Roman era, the consecutive inlay of stones, creating real paintings. In addition, the working of hard stones has very ancient origins, but it was thanks to the support of the Medici that was perfected, to the point to specifically establish the Opificio delle Pietre Dure, still existing today.