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Monterotondo Marittimo

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The municipality of Monterotondo Marittimo extends in the western part of the metalliferous hills. Its name derives from the Latin Mons Ritundus, comes from the conical shape of the Hill on which it sits. Just outside the village lies the Parco delle Biancane , where you can admire geothermal manifestations of the soil. Along the route of the Park the unusual colors of the rocks, the geysers and fumaroles features capture visitors.

Despite the discovery of Etruscan and Roman settlements in the territory, the town of Monterotondo was built in medieval times as a possession of the Abbazia di Monteverdi Marittimo. In 200 the Centre was under the control of Massa Marittima until its fall when it was incorporated into the Republic of Siena. In the mid-500 became part of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.

In the village are the remains of the ancient castle Rocca degli Alberti (12th century) and the impressive city walls, dating from the 12th and 13th centuries. Within the walls of the country's protection can still be seen the ruins of a torre del Cassero Senese 's 500 added later.


Traditions and typical products

In the municipality the "geothermal" dairies produce cheese with low-impact activities, taking advantage of the steam coming out from the underground to power the machines.

Mention deserves the prized vino Monteregio DOC, obtained from varieties cultivated in the territories of Alta Maremma referred Monterotondo is part.



Photo Credits [Facebook: municipality of Monterotondo Marittimo]

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