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Massa Marittima

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The municipality of Massa Marittima is located on the southern ridges of Colline Metallifere where peeps the beautiful historical centre perfectly enclosed within the medieval city walls.

Archaeological finds show that the area was already inhabited in prehistoric times. Etruscan finds were unearthed near the lago dell'Accesa in the southeastern part of commune. Between the 13th and 14th centuries are the heyday for Massa Marittima in 1225 becomes a free city. The period are the Cattedrale di San Cerbone perfect example of Romanesque architecture and the Palazzo del Podestà known as Palazzo Pretorio with its façade filled with emblems of the podestà was grounded. In 1335 the city is conquered by Siena, following a period of decline until 1557 when Medici conquer Massa and trigger a resumption of the territory.



Great tradition is the "Balestro del Girifalco", medieval crossbow tournament. The shooting competition takes place between 24 Crossbowmen chosen representing 3 "terzieri" (districts of the city) in which the town is divided: Cittanuova, Cittavecchia and Borgo. The event was preceded by a parade with actors, musicians and flag flyers who perform suggestive choreography, clothed with precious medieval clothes.


Typical products

Symbol of the municipality and the metalliferous hills are the Monteregio di Massa Marittima DOC, controlled origin denomination reserved for red, rosé, white wines, vermentino, novello and vin santo. The Monteregio DOC meet the requirements described in the product specification that includes varieties cultivated exclusively in the northern part of the province of Grosseto.

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