Class 1965, Leonardo Taddei was born in Prato on December 20. In 1984 he graduated from the Technical Institute Tullio Buzzi with the qualification of technical design and drawing of tissues, formation that allows him to become aware of his passion for art and painting.
Always been self-taught painter, the protagonists of the works of Leonardo are the common elements and the details of everyday life such as a chandelier or a trellis of electrical wires down the street. Beloved subject and main character , however, is his dear Prato, made of rarefied landscapes and industrial views.
Simple lines and decided to portray the Prato industrial/urban landscape in which the figures are clearly distinguishable because clearly black dotted that approaches with white and Red varietal that dominate the scene.
An urban painting without compromises that shuns the monumentality in which silhouetted bodies of factories, silos, mixed urban residential sets railway lines.
The sheds in the paintings of Leonardo though always appear white walls, no blemishes and scratches, as if time had stood still, grassland depictions that betray and become an expression of the artist's attachment to his hometown .
The artist Leonardo Taddei exhibited in 2005 in the historic "Palazzo Datini" in Prato with a solo exhibition, which was followed by group exhibitions in the cities of Cortona (Ar), Massa Marittima (Gr), Livorno and Pisa. In 2008 he founded with the artists Antonio Bruno, Mauro Gazzara and Nadia Neri, "L'Artelier", a cultural association that realizes in Montemurlo a permanent installation of "industrial archeology" promoted by the Province of Prato and the Pecci Museum with the event "Territory ". In 2015 the art collector and organizer Ing. Maurizio Bardazzi realized in his own studio a personal exhibition of Taddei, before a series of exhibitions by local artists. Also in 2015 a work by Taddei was part of the "Vitamins" installation, commissioned by the Carlo Palli Archive on display, among others, at the Museo del Novecento in Florence, at the Pecci Museum and at the MART in Rovereto.