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Salsiccia di Montignoso

Typical sausage made in Tuscany

Salsiccia di Montignoso is a typical Tuscan sausage, prepared according to the traditional handmade country butchers preserve recipe for years.

The sausage is cooked with pork, after careful selection of noble parts that are kneaded together with spices that give it a unique flavor. The color is pink, and a soft, lingering odor that becomes markedly over time according to the maturation period.

Montignoso is proud of producing this special sausage, a true excellence recognized for its quality and freshness. A product that can be eaten raw, accompanied by Tuscan bread, which helps to bring out the taste and aromas; or grilled.

Frankfurter in Montignoso is a typical product of Riviera Apuana, appreciated by all and perfect for consumption to savor the taste of Tuscany.


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