The municipality of Follonica is situated in the homonym gulf, whose shores are lapped by the blue of the Tyrrhenian Sea.
During the middle ages is still a small village on the coast, with no fortifications. The origins of the village are recent and dates back to the construction of the Reali e Imperiali Fonderie swirls in 1834 by Leopold II of Tuscany. The use of iron and its processing date back to the time of the Etruscans, whose blast furnaces can still be seen in the Colline Metallifere.
The city remembers its long tradition in steel MAGMA Museo delle Arti della Ghisa in Maremma, a museum that traces the history of iron and steel plant in Follonica.
The country is today a popular tourist destination for its comfortable beaches and the many nightclubs that enliven the downtown this summer.
Traditions and typical products
By long tradition, the first edition was published in 1910, is the Carnevale di Follonica. The ancient "Pulende in piazza" have become, over the years, in a Carnival with floats (initially pulled by horses) with masked characters parading through the streets.