The cultivation of chestnut defined by pastures "breadfruit" has ancient origins and dates back to the year 1000 when it was necessary to address the growing population growth and the result became the main source of livelihood of the population.
Garfagnana chestnut chestnut dialect means; the farina di Neccio della Garfagnana DOP chestnut with its smell is now used for the production of cakes, presents a color between white and pale yellow and is light to the touch and taste.
Chestnuts harvested in autumn are put to dry above the reeds in metati (masonry). Light a fire underneath the reeds being fed dry slowly chestnuts for at least 40 days. When ready, will be shelled and stone ground. Among the recipes that can be made with this flour you can taste the polenta, chestnut cake and the bread of Garfagnana. From 1998 was founded theAssociation Castanicoltori della Garfagnana to promote and protect this ancient product.