The Formenton otto file is a variety of corn whose rounded grains, smaller than the classic, have an orange-red colour tending to. It is so named from the plant presenting one corn on the cob with eight rows of beans.
This rare type of cereal is essentially worked to become only flour in the Media Valle del Serchio and Garfagnana; During its cultivation weed control is completed without use of chemical herbicides but only mechanically with small Burs or hoes. For this reason, its production is greatly reduced and in good years, not exceeding 8-10 tons.
A production so niche pursued for passion and tradition; its flour has excellent nutritional qualities, it is in fact rich in natural antioxidants: phenols, flavonoids and carotenoids.
A distinctive flavour and aftertaste, the Formenton otto file from which we obtain a tasty polenta goes well with intense flavor dishes like plates of cinta senese pork or wild boar.
Photo Credits [madeinlucca.it]