The first evidence of settlements in the area date back to the Etruscan-Roman; from 1109 begins the Pisan domination. The name of the country is around 1272 under the name Collis Salvecti, in a contract of sale of land and that seems to derive from the owner of the hill called Salvetto. In 1406 after the victory of Florence over Pisa begins the period of Medici's domination of Collesalvetti and later, in 1737, the city became part of the Grand Duchy of Tuscany.
Archaeological historical sites including the archaeological area of Torre Vecchia, already known at the beginning of the '800 even by the geographer and historian Repetti the appointment in his work "The Physical Geographical Historical Dictionary of Tuscany" in which there are the remains of a Roman villa of 1th century with mosaic floors and thermal systems; the ancient Medici bridge on the torrent Tora and the famous leopoldino aqueduct, impressive work of 18 km that sails with its arcades on the territory.
Tradition and typical products
There are many food and wine events in Collesalvetti and its fractions like Golosa Colognole, a festival dedicated to gold bees or the Sagra del Co’omero of Stango. The city is also crossed by the famous Strada del Vino Costa degli Etruschi, a gastronomic journey along the flavors of Tuscan municipalities that are part of it.
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