The Community of Food in Renewable Energy of Tuscany was officially born in 2009, with the signing of the statute of the same name association, thanks to an agreement between Slow Food Tuscany, Slow Food Foundation for Biodiversity and CoSviG, Consortium for the Development of Geothermal Areas.
The project marries the precept of Slow Food "good, clean and fair". Good,referring to the quality of the product; right,referring to adequate gratification for the manufacturer; production systems that are respectful of ecosystems and biodiversity.
Community companies are located in the regional area and produce quality food with innovative systems, using renewable energies (geothermal, solar or biomass for more than 50% of the needs) during the production process and Tuscan raw materials. All companies use a short-chain system and are committed to the revival of sustainable forms of agriculture and the recovery of traditional productions, preferring animal breeds or cultivars at risk disappeared.
Every year, under an agreement between CoSviG and the University of Gastronomic Sciences of Pollenzo (Cuneo), students of the university, from all over the world, carry out educational visits to the companies of the Community declared Educational Locations.
One of the statutory aims of the Food Community is to ensure that this model of unconventional agricultural development, based on renewable energy rather than fossil fuels, can be replicated in other regions, thus creating a real network of communities in the world. Food at Renewable Energy.
In 2015 the Community was included by the Tuscany Region among the 10 "good practices" presented at Expo Milano.
In 2019, with the support of the Municipality of Pomarance and CoSviG, some Community companies have created a consortium for the management of the Agricultural Product Processing Centre, with short supply chain shop and tasting area, realized from the municipality to Pomarance.
The association, born in the traditional geothermal area, territory on the border between the provinces of Pisa, Siena and Grosseto, is now expanding throughout the Tuscany region and is composed of 24 members,among producers and supporters, who realize: pecorino cheeses (including Balze Volterrane Pecorine PEDO), craft beer, lamb products of "pomarancina breed" (Slow Food Presidium), basil and pesto, cured meats and pork and "Sienese belt"breed, extra virgin olive oil and flavored oils, DOC wines, bread and sweets with chestnut flour, typical Sienese sweets and Tuscan homemade bread, cereals, pizza, jams, honey and the salty biscuit of Roccalbegna (Presidio Slow Food).