Castelfranco extends across the upper Valdarno, characterized by particular rocks with a conformation and a vivid color as a result of their erosion. The village is situated in one of the most suggestive areas of Tuscany, from which it is said that Leonardo da Vinci was inspired to make the background of the famous Monnalisa.
The village has ancient origins. One of the places that witness is Poggio alla Regina, today archaeological site dating back to etruscan times, feudal family castle that was home to the counts Guidi.
Very characteristic is the picturesque Sentiero dell’acqua Zolfina: a footpath ring of 6 km. Along the trail you can meet "Le fossate", rocky mountains that are reminiscent of the Grand Canyon, and the streams of crystal clear water.
Traditions and Typical productst
The town preserves the flavors of tuscan cuisine, presented through the recipes that have been handed down over time. Among them the famous "crostini toscani", sliced meats and cheeses from dairies from the surrounding countryside. Typical tasty which you can accompany with a good red wine DOC and DOCG of aretino.
Photo Credits [castelfrancopiandisco.it]