The island, located off the promontory of Piombino, is characterized by steep cliffs and wild, interspersed with numerous caves. Since 1996 is part of the Parco Nazionale Arcipelago Toscano for its rich vegetation consists of Mediterranean vegetation with rare endemic species.
The island of Capraia has very ancient origins, Aegylion was called by the Greeks around the year 1000 BC. the current name comes from the Latin Capraria (so called by Pliny the elder in his Naturalis Historia). Conquered by the Saracens around 1055, passed under the Pisan and Genoese before then; to them we owe the fortifications and coastal towers built in place. In the modern era and until 1986 it was occupied by an agricultural penal colony, located in the north part of the island.
Traditions and Typical products
Among the typical products of the island, the wildflower honey of Capraia, a very fragrant and delicate taste and the jams of Myrtle, lemons and cherries. Being an island, many seafood before the Sagra del Totano, opportunity to taste the island recipes based on squid.