Kicking is part of the province of Pisa and lying in a natural Valley known as Valgraziosa. It is surrounded by hills covered with olive groves and to higher altitudes are pine groves and chestnut woods. From the top of Monte Serra you can enjoy the view of the Tuscan archipelago. The origin of the name to Limes is not attributable to the term "lime", a material widely used in the area, but apply to locus Calcis from the Latin calceum, meaning "heel" del monte.
Kicking develops in the Republican era around the walls of the Castle from the Bishop of Pisa, feudal Lord of the area. The settlements of the prelate were also dispersed along the courses of the various streams to take advantage of the waters for both tanning activities that for the mills.
Kicking was often involved in long disputes between Florence and Pisa and at the end of 1500 it became a Dominion of Pisa.
Kicking is known for her Carthusian monastery, monastic complex which was built in 1300 by the Carthusian order. The monastery consists of a main building and other peripheral structures where they were a library, an archive and a pharmacy. In 1700 was restructured in Baroque style. Today the building houses the natural history museum, administered by the University of Pisa, where we organize exhibits on Paleontology and zoology.
The Romanesque Pieve of St. John and Ermolao is a monumental building with fine carvings in stone and an ancient Bell Tower.
Traditions and typical products
The so-called white art, the art of wool, picking Maloney, the laundry and the tanning of animal skins were important livelihood activities for kicks. The river Zambra was vital water source for these activities. Instead the numerous Woods of Monti Pisani were Prime resource for the shipyards of the Republic of Pisa.
Photo Credits [stradadellolio.it]