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Benvenuto Cellini

The Florentine artist, tormented protagonist of Mannerism

Benvenuto Cellini was born on 3 November 1500 in Florence, in the new market area.

Son of art, is known as one of the most troubled Italian artists of the time.



His creative flair you see already from a very young age. The father John (musician, ivory Carver and Builder of musical instruments) it directs you to the world of music and welcome view of innate qualities even in that field.

Often described as a violent and restless child, soon Welcome rebels at that cursed sonare "; within him grows more and more his real artistic vocation: theGoldsmith.

Starts at the early age of 13 years, working in the Studio of Michelangelo Brandini, showing its amazing abilities. Already in the first years of adolescence is forced to leave Florence twice. Involved in two fights, is forced to take refuge first at Siena and then in Rome.



In 1524 he opened his first shop in Rome, becoming the official printer of the Pontiff. But the adventures of artist don't end: takes part in two murders and is then forced to return to Florence. Here is welcomed at the Court of Alessandro De ' Medici, for whose sculpts the Testone from forty soldoff. After a brief sojourn in France, he returned to Rome they begin the troubles: accusato of theft, goes to prison. Manages to escape back to France.



From 1545 carries out his most important works: the Greyhound and the bronze bust of Cosimo I , Narcissus and the Crucifix . The Perseus beheading Medusa is his most famous work; built in 1549, now stands in the Loggia di Lanzi in Florence.



He spent the last years of his life in Florence. After spending 4 years in prison for charges of sodomy, he devoted himself to writing and in particular to his autobiography: Welcome to Life master Giovanni Cellini fiorentino, written for himself, considered a masterpiece narrative and linguistic. Here he died on 13 February 1571.


Benvenuto Cellini, musician, Goldsmith, sculptor and writer, is considered one of the most important and complete artists of Mannerism.
