Azienda Agricola La Taverna is located on the hills of Gambassi Terme, a charming city near to Firenze. The tavern is located in Mammialla, not far from San Gimignano and Volterra.
This territory is known by the ancient times for the presence of saline waters, like purifying and detoxifying beneficial action. So, Gambassi Terme is a place dedicated to wellbeing of body and soul.
Similarly Azienda Agricola La Taverna pursues the high quality standards, which have as like ultimate goal the consumer health. For this, Elena, owned of business, decided to join the organic farming method. In the grounds of the company we can meet olive trees, cereals, saffron, fruit trees and vegetables, all exclusively organic.
Elena also offers guided tours on the estate: visitors can so see the particularities of each culture and discover the scrubland around the company. There are also some excursions and delicious tastings of farm products.
Azienda Agricola La Taverna and its eco-friendly world awaits in Gambassi Terme, in the area of Empolesa Valdelsa, in via Caporbiano Taverna 43/A.
More and more consumers are looking for genuine and healthy products, this demand pushes La Taverna in harmony with the nature. Here are pursued ethical cultivation processes and having a constant attention to improving the crop systems.
There are numerous products that theLa Taverna Farm offers to its customers: saffron, pearly spepper,chilli, herbs such as sage, basil and chili, extra virgin olive oil,apple jams, strawberries, strawberries, chilli, figs, pumpkin and saffron, peppery pumpkin and various pickles.
La Taverna is ethically handled and is essential for Elena and her staff, to be in complete harmony with the nature. These values make all products processed with the highest quality. The Protocol, does not provide the use of pesticide substances in your crops.