Arezzo, a symbol of art in Tuscany between Cimabue and Piero della Francesca
Arezzo is situated in the North of the Val di Chiana. Built in the 9th century between the Val Tiberina, Casentino, Valdarno and Valdichiana, was one of the main Etruscan cities as evidenced by the Chimera, bronze sculpture depicting a lion. The city hosts the Basilica di San Francesco and the Chiesa di San Domenico, which inside contain important Renaissance works. Church entitled to Saint Domenico was built in 1275 in Gothic style and is the oldest church in the city. Inside it houses the crucifix by Cimabue. The Basilica di San Francesco (1290) is home to the cycle of frescoes of La Leggenda della Vera Croce by Piero della Francesca.
To embellish the capital there are the Fortezza Medicea and the Roman Amphitheatre, in addition to the picturesque villages of Cortona, Poppi and San Sepolcro. Other points of interest: Cathedral and Piazza Grande.
The Giostra del Saracino is a medieval historic palio which takes place in the Piazza Grande on the third Saturday of June and first Sunday of September. During the event will challenge the 4 districts of the city: Porta Santo Spirito, Porta del Foro, Porta Crucifera and Sant'Andrea.
Typical products
Excellence in the tradition of Arezzo is the DOP Prosciutto del Casentino, typical of the city. Another speciality is the sliced Chianina, excellence of the Val di Chiana.
Among the wines stand out on: the DOCG Chianti Colli Aretini, excellence of the territory, the DOC Cortona and DOC Valdichiana.