Amiata territory is framed by the wild Maremma in the West and squiggly Terre di Siena in the East, where the ancient extinct volcano of Monte Amiata, vigil on great sleeping giant.
The Amiata territory is full of olive groves and vineyards that give rise to a production of oils and wines from excellent quality. From its peaks, with clear skies, you can enjoy an incomparable view: almost all of Central and Northern Apennines, the Alto Appennino of Parma and the Ligurian Apennines but also much of the Arcipelago Toscano with the Elba Island and monte Argentario. Many protected areas are hosted inside as the Monte Labbro nature reserves, of Pescinello, Monte Penna.
An area inhabited since ancient times, even from the Middle Palaeolithic, Amiata saw the birth in the middle ages the first villages and churches; the Abbazia di San Salvatore al Monte Amiata is reported for the first time in a document dated 762. In the modern period was characterized by village communities that drew their resources especially from sharing of common goods (forests, pastures, chestnut, all seed potatoes).
Significant and precious heritage of small fortified villages, castles and villas were to land ornament, connected by roads that have as their basis the famous Via Francigena.
The historical artifacts today can be adjusted a bit in all municipalities that make up the area, evidence of incessant intersection of men and cultures that populated the territory of Southern Tuscany.
The Crastatone of Piancastagnaio is the most important Chestnut Festival held in the town, during which the opening of the cellars enables the tasting of excellent wines of the area together with typical dishes and specialities with chestnuts.
The legend of Merlin's cave is a cue that will affect the Mystery lovers; located in the chestnut woods near Arcidosso, it is a cave that the myth wants to bring to the shelter of the famous Wizard Merlin; historians rather think it a cave used as a shelter by a Florentine rebel on the run by the Spaniards who, to keep away the curious, impersonated sorcerer.
Typical products
The Amiata is an ancient land of great traditions, with several typical food and wine; first of all the chestnuts from Monte Amiata, with its many varieties like, the cecio, the bastarda Rossa and the marrone which have the IGP brand.
Falling below the 700 metres, on the other hand, are oil and wine to Lord it; the Amiata is characterized by the presence of an original variety of olives called Olivastra Seggianese and wine Montecucco DOC.
Are part of the Amiata territory towns of Abbadia San Salvatore, Arcidosso, Castel del Piano, Castell'Azzara, Piancastagnaio, Roccalbegna, Santa Fiora and Seggiano.