Synergy of regulatory plants that facilitate intestinal transit.
GOMET: When disturbances occur as an eructation, a sense of swollen bowel means that too much air is ingested and that excessive intestinal fermentation occurs. The problem usually arises from the habit of eating quickly, anxiously, and consuming unsuitable food and drink. The Herbalist Il Tettuccio has studied a synergy of vegetables, pineapples, aniseed, papaya, fennel and lactic ferments to solve this annoying problem. Food supplement based on:
-Fennel: Useful for preventing intestinal disorders and for counteracting problems of meteorism, abdominal swelling and digestive problems.
-Pineapple powder: The bromelain present in large quantities in the stem of the fruit, in addition to facilitating the digestion of proteins is endowed with anti-inflammatory, digestive properties.
-Papaya: this tasty fruit has multiple properties: it helps the digestive processes being rich in proteolytic enzymes; for this reason it is used in gastric and duodenal insufficiencies.
-Anise: has carmative properties, stimulates the digestive system. The benefit of its use is to alleviate abdominal discomfort: it relieves cramps, indigestion, gas, swelling FK
-Lactobacillus acidophilus: Lactobacilli are one of the main groups of probiotics that form adult intestinal microflora.
It also promotes normal intestinal functions in case of diarrhea and flatulence, in particular it is recommended to take it during and after antibiotic treatment.
Dosage: 2 capsules before main meals.
Bottle of: 60 capsules of 320 Mg
TETTUCCIO LAX: Synergy of plants to help the physiological intestinal wellbeing, the combination of Aloe, Frangula, Cascara, Cassia, Rhubarb, Artichoke, are a valid help to regulate the intestinal transit and facilitate the evacuation. Food supplement based on:
Aloe ferox: it has bitter-tonic purifying properties, restores the functionality of the lazy bowel, carrying out a balancing action of the pH and of the bacterial flora
Frangula: is an excellent regularizer increases intestinal peristalsis and decreases the absorption of water and salts in the colon, for action on the sodium-potassium intestinal pump
Cascara: stimulates the contraction of the muscles of the colon, thus increasing intestinal peristalsis and promoting evacuation.
Cassia/Senna: regulates intestinal transit
Rhubarb: has the bitter - tonic, diuretic and hypocholesteromizing properties. The cholagogue action (the ability to increase biliary secretion) and the effect on hepatocyte membranes make it particularly suitable for hepatic idismetabolism.
Artichoke: the leaves contain an active ingredient cynarin, which stimulates bile secretion and contributes to a lowering of cholesterol
Dosage: 1-2 tablets in the evening after dinner.
Bottle of: 50 tablets of 400 Mg